
About us

We strive to make our care painless, durable, functional and, last but not least, also aesthetic. Our long-term goal is to have a full file of satisfied patients who will be glad to visit us once a six months for a regular preventive visit during which it will not be necessary to drill or remove any teeth. This can be only achieved by prevention and quality care which will ensure that it will not be necessary to return to the problematic tooth again.

External cooperation

We also cooperate with specialists in dentoalveolar surgery, periodontics, orthodontics, implantology and microscopic endodontics.


The pricelist for dental care and treatment is available for inspection at the office.

Our services

We offer services related to preventive and re-constructive dental care:

  • Diagnostic examination and procedures
  • Dental hygiene
  • Making various types of filling
  • Treatment of tooth pulp (endodontic treatment)
  • Prosthetic treatment (fixed and removable)
  • Simple and surgical extraction (teeth removal)
Painless treatment with anesthesia is a matter of course.

Sample of work

Please see the following photoghraphs

Where to find us

Kociánka 93/2
(budova C, 1. nadzemní patro)
Brno 612 47

The dental office is located at the compound of the Kociánka Center. It is possible to get there by car from Kociánka street in the direction of Soběšice. The turn-of to the compoud is located 150 meters on the right beyond the crossroads of Křižíkova and Kociánka streets.

The ambulance is located on the first floor of the C building. Public transport buses stops 50 m from the entrance to the complex. Bus lines that stops here are 44, 53, 81 from the direction of Stará osada and 53, 81, 84 from the direction of Královo pole nádraží.